10 Best Influencer & Social Media Marketing Agencies in Korea

Ranking March 20, 2024

Global companies looking to enter the Korean market and Korean companies looking to promote their products and services in Korea need influencer marketing. Influencer marketing agencies act as intermediaries between companies and influencers. This is very important for global companies that may have language barriers when dealing with content creators.

Influencer marketing is, in our opinion, the best way to spend digital marketing budgets in Korea. This is because it is extremely difficult for Korean companies to find and contact influencers in Korea (most of whom do not speak English), select the right influencers for their brands, and then actually run ad campaigns.

In this article, we will introduce 10 of the most popular influencer marketing agencies in Korea

The 10 Best Influencer & Social Media Marketing Agencies in Korea

  1. hotice
  2. Marketit
  3. Mediance
  4. BRICK C
  5. Admax
  6. Celly Story
  7. TK101 Global
  8. clnk
  10. Fineadple


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Service: Influencer Marketing

hotice is a company specializing in influencer marketing in Japan and other Asian countries.
Based in Tokyo, Hotice reaches out to creators to accomplish brand needs.

hotice draws from a network of over 5,000 influencers on YouTube, Instagram, Twitter, TikTok, etc. We can recommend the best influencers for your marketing activities in Japan. hotice also offers SNS management, consulting, ad serving, and video editing services in Japan.
Furthermore, their company is staffed by native English speakers, so communication in English is very smooth.
Because hotice can suggest the best influencers for any industry or service, they can be a great help to international brand companies looking to enter the Japanese market.
When considering these services, you may want to consider hotice.


Service: Influencer Marketing

Marketit is an influencer platform from South Korea that is available in Korean and English. It currently has approximately 20,000 registered influencers and serves to connect companies with influencers. It is recognized as one of the top brands in the Korean fashion industry and has worked on campaigns for many leading Korean companies, including Andersson Bell, which entered the Japanese market in 2018.

Marketit has a unique system that allows companies to select the influencers that best fit their needs and to contact them immediately.
After signing a contract, you can also use the function to check the status of your campaign at any time and analyze the final report in detail, making it a very well-balanced influencer platform.


Service: Influencer Marketing

Mediance is an influencer market platform from South Korea, with approximately 28,000 influencers currently registered in South Korea and abroad.

The influencers are selected by the company from a list of influencers that are displayed after entering their requests on the search screen. This platform is very popular because it allows companies to see in advance what kind of campaigns they can expect to see on which SNS sites, and thus achieve the expected results.

In addition to campaign information that is updated in real time, the platform also provides clear data on the final results of the campaign, which is very useful for companies to look back on their influencer marketing efforts. Clients include some of the world’s largest companies, such as Netflix and Coca-Cola.


Service: Influencer Marketing

BRICK C is an influencer marketing platform from South Korea. Since many companies have trouble deciding which influencers to use when using influencer marketing for the first time, BRICK C employs several selection methods.
In addition to the ability for companies to pinpoint influencers, BRICK C also allows companies to disclose their budget and goals to influencers, who then choose from among those interested in applying for the campaign.
In addition, BRICK C can also be used as an agency, for example, as an intermediary to introduce appropriate influencers.


Service: Influencer Marketing

Admax is a Korean influencer marketing platform reaching 30 million users through various social media channels. It focuses on mobile applications and CPI marketing. You need to sign up on the site and select your desired ad campaign. There are hundreds of ad campaigns to choose from. They have gotten reviews and are a very up and coming platform in this field.

6.Celly Story

Service: Influencer Marketing

Celly Story is a Korean influencer marketing agency.
Unlike many other sites, Celly Story showcases its influencers on its main page.
You can browse all Korean influencers and some of the content they have produced, and Celly Story collaborates with top beauty brands not only in Korea but around the world.
In addition, Celly Story offers online marketing services as well as influencer management.

7.TK101 Global

Service: Influencer Marketing

TK101 Global is an influencer marketing agency specializing in SEO for Naver, Baidu, and Youtube search engines.
TK101 is an expert in Naver Advertising, Naver Cafe, and Naver SEO, as well as building brand awareness through Korean social media like Kakao.
In addition, they have a large KOL network not only in Korea but also in China and Southeast Asia; TK101 Global also works with blockchain companies looking to market in Korea.


Service: Influencer Marketing

clnk” is a mobile app-based influencer marketing platform that can be easily completed on a mobile device without a PC.
In addition, each influencer can register up to 5 social networking sites to fully utilize the appeal of each influencer, so campaigns can be conducted around the most appropriate social networking platform for the genre of the campaign.
The distribution application also makes it easy for companies and influencers to stay in touch and change strategies as needed.
In today’s world where the use of devices rather than computers is increasing, influencer platforms that can be completed only with apps are expected to play an active role in the future from the standpoint of convenience.


Service: Influencer Marketing

ADPICK is a Korean influencer marketing platform that assists regular individuals in becoming social media influencers. By logging into ADPICK, users receive a personalized URL, which they can share on their blogs, Facebook, and Neighborcafe, without the need for a resume, photo, or interview. Brands then compensate members for each engagement generated from the URL.

The platform offers brands real-time revenue data of current members. In the future, other marketing platforms may adopt this approach and potentially integrate blockchain technology. As a result, while this is a new platform, it may take several years to achieve widespread adoption.


Service: Influencer Marketing

Fineadple is an influencer marketing platform from South Korea that is unique in that it employs only high-quality influencers.

Only influencers who have passed a unique screening process that includes the number of followers, understanding of SNS marketing, and past results are carefully selected, and currently, there are approximately 30,000 registered influencers. The official website states a high ROI guarantee.

In addition, many promotions are conducted on the site daily, allowing you to sign up influencers at a discounted price and offering influencer marketing at a reasonable price to beginner companies.


As companies worldwide seek to penetrate the Korean market and local businesses aim to boost their visibility, influencer marketing emerges as a crucial strategy. Acting as intermediaries, influencer marketing agencies bridge the gap between companies and content creators, particularly vital for global firms facing language barriers.

In Korea, navigating influencer selection and campaign execution can be daunting for local businesses due to language constraints. Hence, influencer marketing is deemed the optimal avenue for digital marketing spending. Stay tuned as we delve into 10 of Korea’s top influencer marketing agencies, unlocking avenues for seamless brand promotion and engagement.

Among them We provide a sales and marketing support service to help influencers and creators to be continuously active on social networking sites, we support them in various ways.
We will support influencers and creators in a variety of ways, focusing on the sales aspect.

If you are interested in this service, please contact us for more information.

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